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uTrack - Managing Tasks Made Easy

uTrack is an award-winning mobile application providing a novel way to manage and track tasks. Create your own "virtual walls" to efficiently track personal and professionals tasks "to-do" through a fun and user-friendly mobile application interface. uTrack recently won the NOKIA Innovation contest beating a number of mobile apps.

The concept is simple. The application features a virtual 'wall' where users can put up sticky notes with their to-do's. Multiple virtual walls may be set up for different activities. Once the user decides to start the task, they can simply drag the sticky note from the 'to-do' column to 'in progress'. The user may choose to move the task to the 'verify' column should they feel the need to revisit it after completion. Once the task is finally completed, the user may drag that task to the 'done' column.

At any point in time, the user could delete tasks or clean their wall completely. The application also allows to take snapshots at any given instance and send them via email.


To make management of tasks easier, uTrack allows users to group their virtual walls by projects. Users have the ability to set a 'due date' for each task, 'assign' it to others through email notification, and 'set calendar reminders' that could be synched with Outlook. Tasks may also be imported in between projects and walls.

uTrack is being used globally by a diverse group of people for helping them organize both their business and personal lives. uTrack users include Agile and Kanban practitioners, projects managers, individuals, group administrators, teachers, business owners and students. The uTrack mobile app is available as both a free app with limited features called uTrack Lite, and as a paid app with full features, called uTrack Pro. The App is available for the following platforms: Apple iOS (iPad and iPhone), Android (tablets and smart phones), Blackberry (Playbook), Windows Phone, and Symbian (Nokia).




  • Android
  • iphone
  • windows phone
  • nokia-ovi
  • blackberry


utrack TenPearls' mobile app, uTrack, stood out as clear leaders in terms of its usability and intelligent integration with smart devices. utrack
-Rabia Nizami, NOKIA, Near East
utrack Would you be lost without your lists? I am a post-it queen myself, and this app. is going to make my life a lot easier. utrack
-Tyne Reynaldo, AppSafari

Features: uTrack Pro

  utrack Manage multiple Projects through a single application
  utrack Create Up to 10 Projects
  utrack Create multiple Walls to track various initiatives or sub-projects within a specific Project
  utrack Create Up to 3 Walls per Project
  utrack Customize headings of the columns on the Wall
  utrack Create and Post Tasks on Walls (like adding sticky notes to your virtual wall)
  utrack Add, Edit or Delete Tasks
  utrack Add up to 100 tasks on each Wall
  utrack Assign different colors to your Tasks
  utrack Import Tasks from other Walls
  utrack Create uTrack user accounts
  utrack Assign Tasks to others
  utrack Add to-dos to the Task List
  utrack Set Due Date for Tasks with Reminder
  utrack View Tasks by Date
  utrack Add Tasks to Calendar; synch with Outlook
  utrack Take a snapshot of your Wall and share via Email
  utrack Clear Wall removing all the Tasks
  utrack Push out Notifications for Tasks nearing Due Date
  utrack Collaborate module for sharing and retrieving
  utrack Ability to backup and restore data on same or other device
  utrack App information section

Features: uTrack Lite

  utrack A virtual wall with 4 columns to track the status of daily tasks
  utrack Post sticky notes on virtual wall
  utrack Add/Edit notes
  utrack Change note colors
  utrack Delete notes
  utrack Take snapshot of wall
  utrack Email snapshot of wall to yourself or any of your friends
  utrack Clear wall from all notes
uTrack is a product of TenPearls. TenPearls is a privately-held, global application development and technology company helping businesses deliver mobile platforms, mobile applications, web-based software applications, and business analytics. Click here to read press release.